Dental Implants

Dental implantology consists of a set of treatments intended for the normal rehabilitation of your dentition and also eliminating issues caused by prosthesis instability, pain, ulcers as well as chewing, digestion, speech, and self-esteem issues.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is an artificial root intended to compensate for the absence of a natural tooth. With the new tooth securely anchored to the implant, what used to be a gap will go back to working properly. Dental implant placement also promotes the strength and density of your jawbone as well as muscle tone. This avoids the use of denture adhesives, which are potentially toxic in the long term and alter the taste of foods.

The different treatment procedures in a few steps

  • An initial consultation allows for a complete dental exam and medical review to determine if implantology can help. If necessary, prosthetic and cosmetic tests will make it possible to determine with precision the most suitable treatment for you.
  • Then we proceed with a tomographic x-ray (3D scan) to analyze the shape, quality, and quantity of bone available for implant placement. In some cases, bone grafting or bone/gum remodeling may be necessary before or during the implant placement.
  • The procedure lasts from 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the type of surgery and the number of implants. This is performed under local anesthesia, with a slight antibiotic medication to prevent any risk of infection. Light sedation may be offered in case of stress related to the operation. During the procedure, the implants are placed at the gum level formerly occupied by the natural teeth.
  • Most of the time your usual prosthesis will be adjusted and returned immediately on the implants following the operation. The discomfort is minimal, you can usually go back to your regular activities on the next day. If necessary, a prescription of analgesics may be offered.

Some treatments also need to be performed in 2 steps: burial of the implants under the gum, a follow-up and then 3 to 6 months later the dental implant placement.

Do not hesitate to contact our team to find out more! The treatments are personalized and each surgery is prepared on a case-by-case basis.